Bali Indonesia

Flights to Bali from Jakarta

Here is information about Flights to Bali from Jakarta. There are a lot of airlines that serve Flights to Bali from Jakarta, such as Lion Air, Batik Air, Air Asia, Garuda Indonesia, Sriwijaya Air, City Link, and  Mandala. You can book this flights at Travel Agents, through Online Bookings, or buy it at Soekarno Hatta International Airport in Jakarta. Some airlines sell Promo Tickets as cheap as 40 $ for one person, if you book a ticket more than a week before.

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 1
Garuda Indonesia

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 2

Lion Air

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 3

Air Asia

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 4

Soekarno Hatta International Airport is located in Cengkareng. It  is about an hour trip from Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. Soekarno Hatta International Airport has three Aprons, and most of Flights to Bali departure from Apron 3 (Terminal 3). There you can find ticket booth of Lion Air and Air Asia. In "Terminal 3" there are a lot of restaurants,coffee shop, and shops for relaxing before your flights to Bali. You can also find ATMs (Automatic Teller Machines) booth of moth Bank in Indonesia.
The waiting area at "Terminal 3" is very comfortable at the second floor, where you can wait for your flights by seeing alot of television channels.

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 5

Air Asia's Ticket Booth at "Terminal 3" Soekarno Hatta International Airport

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 6

Lion Air's Ticket Booth

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 7

Shopping Area at "Terminal 3"

Flights to Bali from Jakarta 8
The comfortable waiting area

So if you want to visit Bali, there is an alternative to visit Jakarta first for a couple days, and  then  you can take a flight to Bali from Soekarno Hatta International Airport Jakarta.

Flights to Bali from Jakarta
Bali Indonesia